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文章来源:生物质催化转化研究室  |  发布时间:2024-06-26  |  【打印】 【关闭


应EMC易倍体育可再生能源重点实验室和广东省新能源和可再生能源研究开发与应用重点实验室的邀请,瑞典斯德哥尔摩大学Joseph Samec教授将于6月28日(周五)来访并举行学术报告会。报告会安排如下:

时    间:15:30-17:00 

地    点:生物质能源大楼910会议室

报告题目:Adding Environmental Sustainability to Biomass Valorization

报告摘要:In only 40 years from now,our demand based on population will increase by 25% while our main source of materials and energy will be exhausted. Thus,our society is facing major counteracting challenges where our demand will increase while our supplies decrease. When addressing these challenges,care must be taken to mitigate resource depletion,climate change,land use and other environmental impact categories. Biomass will play a major role as a resource for chemicals,materials and even fuels. However,using biomass is not necessarily sustainable;care must be taken specially to mitigate burden on resource depletion,irrigation,and land use. In fact,current forestry is rather inefficient where yield of high value products are below 40%. One strategy is to use streams of biomass that currently are burnt to a low value,where burning biomass can be considered carbon neutral but not necessarily climate neutral.

In this talk,strategies and examples on valorizing side-streams from Nordic forestry will be given. This will include upgrading of black liquor from pulp industries,tops and branches and insect killed forestry residues,and bark.


Joseph Samec received his Ph.D. from the University of Stockholm, Sweden, in 2005 with Prof. Bäckvall as supervisor. After a postdoctoral training with Prof. Grubbs at CalTech, USA, during 2006–2007, he was appointed as Assistant Professor at University of Uppsala in Sweden. In 2015 he moved to Stockholm University where he is currently professor. His research interests focus on green chemistry in organic synthesis and biomass processing and applications. 2012 he founded RenFuel, a start-up company that is producing biofuels from lignin; and then 2015 RenCom and 2018 LigniCore that produce materials from lignin. 


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